• digicash420@gmail.com

You Must Control CO2 To Control People.

You Must Control CO2 to Control People.
Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Pexels.com

Amidst ongoing farmer demonstrations in Europe, Dutch MP Rob Roos engages in a conversation with Del Bigtree from The HighWire to examine the climate deception propagated by radical elites in the Western world, to acquire greater authority and dominance.

“They [elites] go against family values. They are opposed to organic food. They infringe upon freedom, as one is compelled to purchase an electric vehicle. They are nearly twice as costly, making them unaffordable for people.

With that being said, we are at a political quandary. The elites say we pollute the earth from the CO2 we emit; however, EV cars are safe? Have they considered the batteries from electric vehicles and how much pollution they cause once dead?

The issue is not just the price of the car itself, but also the fact that it restricts mobility and forces individuals to rely on public transportation,” clarified Roos. Also, we can not forget the cost of replacement batteries at a staggering price of 30 thousand and up.

He claimed that the concept of digitalization, specifically referring to digital identification and central bank digital currency (CBDC), is essentially a manifestation of a new type of communism.

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“To exert control over individuals, it is imperative to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, as all human activities such as respiration, existence, transportation, and consumption contribute to the generation of CO2.” “If one can manipulate CO2 levels, one can alter the population,” stated Roos.

He emphasized that complete control is achieved when the elite link individuals’ digital identities to the digital currencies of the central bank.

Bigtree remarked that a significant portion of the process of the worldwide takeover of the Western world was expedited by the Covid-19 pandemic. He highlighted that the World Economic Forum (WEF) labeled the period of Covid as the “Great Reset.”

Let me tell you, the WEF is not on our side. For the elite to say, “You must control CO2 to control people” is utterly foolish.

One thousand six hundred scientists, two of whom are Nobel laureates, have written in support of our claim that “there is no climate emergency.”

However, globalist elites, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governments, politicians, megacorporations, and legacy media outlets all propagate climate dread to force a societal reset in the name of an imminent climate catastrophe.

“If you can control CO2, you can control people,” is the most poignant statement to bear in mind from Roos’ interview.

Therefore, the next time you are troubled by the advocacy of ‘green’ policies by radical progressive politicians and errant billionaires such as Bill Gates, ask yourself: Do these new policies result in the loss of any liberties?

Let this sink in for a minute.