• digicash420@gmail.com
You Matter. Just know how to look.
Photo by Tetyana Kovyrina on Pexels.com

It is something I have said. You have indeed stated it. What if you are already undertaking a meaningful endeavor, despite what many have said? You matter. Just know how to look. đź‘€

What if your impact is already significant? What if you are altering the universe already?

Furthermore, what if you accomplish this with unconventional methods that appear absurdly mundane?

Observe the innumerable ways in which individuals are shaping the lives of those around them, even if it is not their intention.

An individual whose work involves devising an improved salad bar or grocery store floor plan may not consciously be concerned with combating food insecurity, providing garments for the naked, or feeding the impoverished.


However, he accomplishes this by enhancing individual collaboration rather than transferring resources to others.

A component of the Christmas classic’s grandeur The tragedy of George Bailey in It is a Wonderful Life is that he appears to be oblivious to the magnitude of the impact his efforts to save three cents on a length of tubing are having—the apparent insignificance of managing the Bailey Bros.

Building and Loan obscured many of the points that became clear towards the film’s conclusion when individuals initiated a collection to assist him in bridging the shortfall in his accounts.

Let that digest for a hot minute.

What can you do?

It is crucial to bear in mind that one possesses personal agency in every moment, even when confronted with the emotion of “What in the world can I do?”

You have control over a multitude of factors, including your behavior and responses, your choice and course of action, your communication style and the words you utter, and how you interact with others. (I know, easier said than done).

When feeling helpless, it is critical to exert your positive energy and power in every way possible. Maintaining a level head and objectivity while considering potential changes is more effective than succumbing to negativity and futility.

Which one measure might you consider undertaking? That which you can control and influence? How much more could a human being influence compared to the butterfly, whose every flight has an impact? You matter. Just know how to look.

close up photography of green moss on rock
Photo by Eric Smart on Pexels.com

Know how to look because you matter

It may be beneficial to commit everything that is currently causing you concern or acting as an obstacle to writing down.

It is imperative to compile an exhaustive inventory of everything. After completing the list, return to it and circle the items that are within your sphere of control and influence.

Plan actionable measures for the things that are within your control, while temporarily disregarding the things that are beyond your control. After noting them down on your list, mentally and physically set them aside and focus your efforts on something actionable.

Albeit concerning events are occurring globally, they have been occurring since the dawn of time. Some periods are more challenging than others, life fluctuates; nevertheless, individuals are resilient.

You currently have the chance to make a difference and are resilient in the process. Create it. Manifest whatever it is that compels you to be a better version of yourself. Never surrender.