• digicash420@gmail.com

Digital currency is taking over the scene; however, what is FedNow?

What is FedNow?
Photo by Kelly on Pexels.com

Time, as we know it, is passing these days quickly. With this said, the monetary system as we know it is going through changes, and with this comes FedNow. However, what is FedNow?

With today’s inflation, the elite are trying to devise a plan to rectify the overprinting of money to quell inflation.

Their solution is a digital currency.

What is FedNow?

FedNow is a new system allowing faster payments between banks and credit unions. It is designed to speed up the transfer process between financial institutions, making it easier and quicker for customers to access their funds.

The system is being tested by several banks and credit unions and is expected to be available to all financial institutions by the end of 2022. The app should be available in 2023 and to customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will allow for same-day funds transfers between banks and credit unions.

Furthermore, the system is designed to make it easier for customers to access their money and to make the process of transferring money between banks and credit unions more efficient.

In addition, FedNow will allow for the creation of new payment types, such as real-time payments, which will further improve the speed and efficiency of the banking system.

FedNow is a much-anticipated system that has the potential to revolutionize the way that banks and credit unions operate.

It will make life easier for customers and make transferring money between banks and credit unions more efficient.

Moreover, this looks all fine and dandy until you start to dissect the imperfections of this system. I recently published an article outlining the dangers of digital currency. Hit that link in the first paragraph above.

video by YouTube and author

How safe is FedNow?

As of right now, the Federal Reserve’s new real-time payment system, FedNow, is still in development. Because of this, there is no concrete answer to how safe the system will be when it is finally up and running.

However, the Fed has stated that safety and security are top priorities for the project, so it is likely that FedNow will be fairly safe to use.

In addition, the system will be tested extensively before it goes live, so any potential safety issues should be ironed out before it becomes available to the public.

Overall, while we cannot say for sure how safe FedNow will be, it seems likely that it will be at least as safe as other similar payment systems.

Again, this all sounds plausible theoretically; however, there are a bunch of things to worry about when it comes to online transactions, including identity theft from hackers.

I am going to go over the caveats of this system. At the time of this article, it is the month of September and the media is pushing the narrative of a digital currency by the name of FedNow.

abstract painting
Photo by Anni Roenkae on Pexels.com

Control over your funds

When it comes to your money, you want autonomy over when and where to spend the money you have rightfully earned.

This takeover and repurposing of how money is created and spent is going a tad too far.

It is convenient yet dangerous to give an institution complete control of your finances because your account can freeze if you were to go over budget or do not comply with renewing your driver’s license just to list a couple of things.

Additionally, what this world is morphing into is a place where we will have no say and own nothing at the rate we are headed.

One this app is finalized, we will be in lockstep with China on using the social credit score to control the population.

China is in lockdown as I sit here transcribing this article. The money of the Chinese is frozen and cannot be accessed due to not using cash and relying on digital currency.

This clip will give you a glimpse of what is FedNow.

video by YouTube and author

FedNow is basically digital allowance

Once cash is abolished, I am not sure how the transition from our current monetary system to the digital is going to take place; however, it is happening.

The war on cash has been long-standing and now the time has come to usher in the digital form of currency for utter control.

Scary once you think about it.

To pay for things with the wave of your hand or the scan of an app with the barcode to keep everything locked into this control grid of slavery.

I am the type of man that uses cash all day, every day. The very thought of this digital transition does not bode well with me at all because it relinquishes our privacy and autonomy from big brother and their henchman, the banks.

No longer are the days of saving coins, counting bills, saving for a rainy day, or just “play money.”

In addition, the ruling class will have access to all of your information and can tell you when and where to spend your currency.

Imagine that?

You go to a gas station and your app is shut off because you are using too much fossil fuel for the week. Meanwhile, you cannot charge your EV due to the electrical overload on the grids in your area.


video by YouTube and author

What can you do?

There have been talks for years about going cashless and how this will benefits the populace due to the convenience of not having physical cards or cash.

The only thing you can do is remain vigilant and make sure you have assets like gold or silver, or even cryptocurrency like XRP.

This storm is brewing and is approaching rapidly.

Furthermore, Illinois is getting rid of the cash bail, so this means crimes like robbery, arson, driving drunk, and breaking and entering are no longer the responsibility of law enforcement. I wrote about this, and I will leave the link here.


Cash rules everything around me, cream get the money, DOLLAR, DOLLAR BILLS YA’LL!

Stress levels are at an all-time high. I am not here to spread doom and gloom; however, I want to make you aware of some of the changes you might now be mindful of due to your busy work schedule.

Every day I learn something, and I aim to endow unbiased information about these issues. While there are some benefits of the FedNow, there is a slew of vulnerabilities you may not be aware of, including the control factor from secular factions.

I know I would be upset if my money was denied due to not “following” the herd or rules of the ruling class that controls this monopoly board.

Live for today and make sure to smile as much as you can for tomorrow is never promised.