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Patrick Wood’s Predictions Regarding 2024 versus AI Chatbots

Patrick Wood's Predictions Regarding 2024 versus AI Chatbots
Photo by Andrew Neel on Pexels.com

From ChatGPT’s global impact to its inception of a landmark Hollywood strike. In 2023, artificial intelligence experienced its breakthrough year. Check out the video on Patrick Wood’s predictions regarding 2024 versus AI chatbots.

Thus, what does the year 2024 hold for cutting-edge technology? When DailyMail.com requested that the leading AI chatbots—Google’s Bard and Amazon-backed Claude—predict their fate, they returned extremely alarming results.

We selected those two language models because, unlike ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing, which rely on older data, they generate predictions using real-time information from the internet. Scary times indeed.

The results were as follows:

AI systems may eventually begin to reason independently.

Claude.ai predicted that indications of AGI, or “artificial general intelligence,” would begin to appear in the earliest AI models.

AGI is a hypothetical intelligent agent capable of performing any intellectual endeavor a human can. The advent of AGI is anticipated to bring about profound transformations in human society.

Former OpenAI developers and ChatGPT creators established Anthropic, the parent company of Claude, with funding from Google and Amazon.

Big Biotechnology and Personal Predictions Regarding 2024 versus AI

“In recent years, AI algorithms have matched or surpassed human performance in specialized tasks such as language processing, object recognition, and game playing,” Claude told DailyMail.com.

Significant progress has been made possible by the implementation of neural networks and deep learning algorithms on robust computing infrastructure.

The fact that major tech companies and entrepreneurs are investing heavily indicates that innovation will continue at its current rate.

Furthermore, certain AI researchers predict that we are approaching “Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI), which refers to algorithms capable of emulating the flexibility and adaptability of humans in various tasks and environments.

Anthropic, DeepMind, OpenAI, and Google Brain are among the organizations working toward this AGI objective.

a doctor holding an mri result of the brain
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Although the complete realization of general intelligence is improbable by 2024, demonstrations of systems capable of exhibiting more comprehensive reasoning, creativity, and decision-making capabilities are possible.

Concerns regarding AI, according to Claude.ai, could include unpredictability in system behavior and job automation surpassing the adaptability of workers.

Bard foretold that biotechnology advancements in 2024 might “improve” the human race.

According to AI, these may include advancements in “brain-computer interfaces,” in which human minds communicate with computers.

In the future year, Elon Musk’s Neuralink intends to test this technology on volunteers.

This year, according to an analysis by Foresight Factory, over one-third of consumers would be content with having such a chip implanted to connect to computer systems more readily.

Bard stated, “Biocompatible material and robotic engineering advancements could pave the way for bionic appendages that restore motor function close to that of the human body or even exceed human limitations in strength and dexterity.”

Exoskeletons have the potential to enhance physical capabilities in domains such as military applications, heavy lifting, and geriatric assistance, yes, geriatric.

What about BCIs? Patrick Wood’s predictions regarding 2024 versus AI chatbots

The implementation of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) may facilitate direct correspondence between the human brain and computer systems, thereby facilitating the manipulation of prosthetics, external devices, and virtual environments.

Brain-to-brain communication, increased productivity and innovation, and communication for individuals with paralysis are all possible applications. This is some sci-fi-quality information.

“By providing enhanced feedback in medical training, gaming, and amusement, devices that generate realistic touch sensations could revolutionize virtual reality and other immersive experiences.”

Personal medicine

Individualized remedies customized according to a patient’s DNA constitute personalized medicine, which can profoundly alter human existence.

In the upcoming year, Bard foresaw that AI might facilitate novel developments in personalized medicine.

Under the distinctive genetic, environmental, and lifestyle characteristics of every individual, personalized medicine, alternatively referred to as precision medicine, endeavors to customize preventive measures and treatments.

In this pursuit, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a transformative force, driving advancements in diverse domains of healthcare:

AI can identify risk factors for particular diseases through the decipherment of immense quantities of genetic data, enabling proactive interventions and individualized prevention strategies.

By extracting latent patterns and correlations among symptoms, medications, and outcomes from Electronic Health Records (EHRs), AI can generate more precise diagnoses and individualized treatment suggestions.

To assist physicians in selecting the most efficacious and minimally detrimental therapies for each patient, AI is capable of analyzing patient data and forecasting their potential responses to various interventions.

Security of confidential information and prevention of biased AI treatment of patients are, according to Barad, issues associated with the use of AI in medicine.

Foreign intervention and manipulation via cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns are becoming increasingly worrisome as the 2024 elections approach.

The interconnection of these threats has the potential to profoundly affect public sentiment, foster discord, and ultimately erode the trustworthiness of democratic procedures.

(S)Election hack warning! This has happened before 🤯

Bard of Google foresaw that malicious actors would attempt to undermine the upcoming U.S. presidential election through the use of technology.

Bard from Gemini Pro cautioned that such assaults might target voting machines to erode confidence in the outcome.

“To disrupt the voting process, instill doubt in the results, or manipulate results, malicious actors might target voter registration databases, voting machines, or election results reporting systems,” said Bard.

Blackmail, targeted disinformation campaigns, or voter suppression strategies may result from the theft of sensitive voter data or campaign information.

False news, propaganda dissemination, and the silencing of dissenting viewpoints are all possible through the use of bots and false accounts.

As audio or video recordings that have been altered, deepfakes can further obscure the distinction between fact and fiction.

Tailored false information, including social media posts, emails, and tailored news articles, can capitalize on preexisting prejudices and concerns in order to influence voters in favor of particular candidates or deter them from exercising their right to vote.

The bottom line, we have extensive voter fraud issues that have been in place for decades. Our fearless leaders give us the illusion of choice.

Happy New Year!