• digicash420@gmail.com

Get the inside look at marijuana: male vs. female and learn about the most versatile plant known to mankind.

Marijuana: Male vs Female
Photo by BXXXTY on Pexels.com

Marijuana: Male vs. Female

Never in a million years that I think I would see weed decriminalized however, did you know that marijuana, male vs. female, is the only plant on earth created this way?


The male plant

The male marijuana plant is an important part of the cannabis life cycle.

Male plants produce the pollen needed to fertilize female plants, which in turn produce the seeds that grow into new plants.

While male and female plants both contain cannabinoids like THC and CBD, males typically have higher concentrations of THC.

Males also tend to mature faster and produce more pollen than females.

Cannabis growers usually prefer to grow female plants, as they tend to be more potent and produce more buds.

However, male plants are still an essential part of the cannabis life cycle and can be used to create new strains of cannabis through pollination.

I find this rather interesting considering the male plants tend to mature faster than the female similar to what you see in real life.

Just kidding!

Moreover, marijuana plants are alien to me. Allow me to break it down.

Not only are the plants distinguished by their “gender,” however, once grown, the marijuana plants are also versatile.

These include:

  • clothing
  • rope
  • medicine
  • lotion
  • fuel
  • raw materials
  • plastic
  • fire retardant for shelter
  • antidepressant

These are just a few things that I can list off the top of my head.


The female plant

The female marijuana plant is the one that produces the potent flowers that are used to make marijuana.

Male plants do not produce these flowers and are therefore not as potent. The female plant is also taller than the male plant and has more leaves.

The leaves of the female plant are broader than those of the male plant, and they are also a darker green.

The female plant also produces more resin than the male plant. This resin is what contains THC, or the active ingredient in marijuana.

Moreover, if you are looking for the best marijuana, you want to find a female plant that has been growing for at least six weeks.

The longer the plant has been growing, the more potent the THC will be.

As you can see, the female plant’s reign supreme in the land of 420. The female dominates her male counterpart in more ways than one, including potency.

Damn, females are just as spicy in the plant realm as they are in human form.

These are just the basics of marijuana: male vs. female plants.

photo of cannabis flowers on glass container
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com

Are there hermaphrodite marijuana plants?

Yes, there are marijuana plants that exhibit both male and female characteristics, known as hermaphrodites.

These plants can cause problems when growing cannabis, as they may pollinate female plants, leading to seeded buds.

Hermaphrodite plants are often identified by the presence of both male and female flowers on the same plant.

To avoid pollination, it is best to remove hermaphrodite plants from the growing area.

Yes, you have read that correctly. There are plants that can be both just as humans can, albeit on a rare occasion.

These plants are more human than you think, frankly.

In addition, one cannot spell healthcare without the letters THC; just saying.

photo of person holding water bong
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com

What are some stressors when growing marijuana plants?

There are a few different types of stress that can affect marijuana plants during their growth cycle.

These include environmental stressors, such as extreme temperatures or lack of water, and nutritional stressors, such as nutrient deficiencies or imbalances.

Environmental stressors are generally more difficult to control, but providing the plants with the proper nutrients can help reduce the chances of nutritional stress.

Some common environmental stressors that can affect marijuana plants include:

* Extreme temperatures – either too hot or too cold

* Lack of water – either from drought conditions or from over-watering

* Poor drainage – can lead to waterlogged roots and stunt plant growth

* Wind damage – can damage leaves and branches, causing the plant to lose water

* Pests and diseases – can damage leaves, stems, and roots, and spread quickly if not controlled nutritional stressors are usually caused by a lack of one or more essential nutrients in the soil.

Marijuana plants need a variety of different nutrients to grow properly, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

If any of these nutrients are lacking, the plant will not be able to grow properly and may become stressed. Nutritional stress can also be caused by an imbalance of nutrients in the soil.

For example, if there is too much nitrogen and not enough phosphorus, the plant will become “nitrogen-burned.” This means that the leaves will turn yellow and the plant will stop growing.

Nutritional stress can be avoided by using a soil test kit to make sure that the soil has the proper nutrient levels, and by using a fertilizer formulated for marijuana plants.

If you are growing hydroponically, you will need to make sure that your nutrient solution is balanced and that you are using the proper amount of nutrients for your plants.


Some common symptoms of stress in marijuana plants include:

* Yellowing or wilting leaves

* Brittle or dry leaves

* Slow growth

* Smaller than normal leaves

* Stunted growth – your plant is exhibiting any of these symptoms, it is important to try to identify the cause so that you can take steps to correct it.

If the cause is environmental, there may not be much you can do other than try to mitigate the stressors.

For example, if your plants are wilting due to a lack of water, you will need to water them more frequently.

If the problem is due to nutritional stress, you will need to fertilize the plants with a nutrient-rich fertilizer.

However, if you are unsure of what is causing the stress, you can always take a sample of the affected plant tissue to a local nursery or extension office for diagnosis.

Once you have identified the cause of the stress, you can take steps to correct it and help your plants recover.

Marijuana: Male vs. Female continues.

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How to tell beforehand if marijuana is female or male?

It is a common misconception that there are male and female marijuana plants.

In reality, there are only female marijuana plants.

Male marijuana plants do not produce the buds that contain THC, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis.

Instead, they produce pollen that is used to fertilize female plants.

Finally, if you are wondering how to tell which seed will grow into a male or female plant, the answer is that you cannot.

The sex of a marijuana plant is determined by its chromosomes and is not influenced by the environment.

Furthermore, if you want to grow female plants, your best bet is to buy feminized seeds. These are seeds that have been bred to only produce female plants.

To be frank, this only makes sense as you compare humans; everybody is female until the Y-Chromosome kicks in during the fifth week of conception.

There is no coincidence in nature.

Marijuana: Male vs. Female
Photo by Washarapol D BinYo Jundang on Pexels.com

Ways to grow marijuana

Soil: One of the most popular ways to grow marijuana is in soil.

This is because it is easy to find and relatively inexpensive. You will need to make sure that the soil you use is loose and well-aerated so that the roots can easily spread out and absorb nutrients. You will also need to add some organic matter to the soil to help the plant grow.

Hydroponics: Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in water instead of soil. This can be done with a variety of different setups, but the most common is to use an air pump to oxygenate the water and then add nutrients directly to the water.

This method is often used by growers who are looking for a higher yield, as the plants can grow much larger when they don’t have to compete for space and nutrients.

Aeroponics: Aeroponics is similar to hydroponics, but instead of growing the plants in water, they are grown in an airy medium such as vermiculite or perlite.

The roots are constantly exposed to oxygen, which can help them grow faster and absorb more nutrients.

This method is often used by commercial growers who are looking for the highest yield possible.

Soilless Mix: A soilless mix is a growing medium that does not contain any soil. Instead, it is made up of materials such as peat moss, coco coir, or vermiculite.

This type of growing medium is often used by growers who are looking to avoid soil-borne diseases or pests. It is also a good option for growers who live in areas where the soil is not ideal for growing plants.

Hydro-Organics: Hydro-organics is a method of growing plants that combines hydroponics with organic materials. This can be done by using an organic growing medium such as coco coir or peat moss and then adding nutrients to the water.

This method is often used by growers who are looking for a more natural way to grow their plants.

Aquaponics: Aquaponics is a method of growing plants that combines hydroponics with aquaculture. This can be done by using fish waste to fertilize the plants, which in turn purify the water for the fish. This is a great way to grow plants and fish together in a symbiotic relationship.

Who would have known there is a multitude of ways to grow your trees these days?

These methods are far superior compared to the days of old. Smoking that Cheech and Chong garbage cheap shit that came with headaches and wanting to sleep.

Now, you have options similar to walking into a liquor store or a car dealership. The world is YOURS!


The psychology of marijuana use

Some people believe that marijuana use can lead to psychological problems, including anxiety and paranoia.

However, there is no clear evidence that marijuana causes these problems. Some studies suggest that marijuana may help to relieve anxiety and paranoia.

Albeit, there are no indicators of such issues caused by marijuana use, if the weed is laced with something, then it can have a negative impact depending on the individual.

It is important to remember that everyone reacts differently to marijuana. Some people may experience anxiety or paranoia after using marijuana, while others may not.

If you are concerned about how you will react to marijuana, it is best to start with a small amount and see how you feel.

You can always take more if you need to.

If you experience anxiety or paranoia after using marijuana, try to relax and remember that these feelings are usually temporary.

Moreover, if you are still feeling anxious or paranoid after a few minutes, it is best to stop using marijuana and seek medical help.

Marijuana: Male vs. Female carries on.

Can marijuana help with mental disorders?

Marijuana is effective in treating some mental disorders, such as anxiety and PTSD; however, more research is needed to determine whether or not marijuana is an effective treatment for other mental disorders.

If you decide to consider using marijuana to treat a mental disorder, it is important to speak to a qualified healthcare professional first.

They will be able to advise you on the best course of treatment or, you can be your own best judge.

Marijuana can help decrease anxiety and the ability to focus on tasks.

This plant is linked to creativity as well. I will not lie; most of my ideas come from smoking weed and brainstorming.

The effects of marijuana smoke, for me, has a lot more positives than negatives in my book.

Furthermore, the only negative I can think of is the price.

For all of my weed smokers out there, can I get an AMEN?

gorilla wearing pink sunglasses graffiti
Photo by mali maeder on Pexels.com

The conclusion of marijuana: male vs. female

Marijuana is a popular plant that many people use for various reasons.

Some people use it for medicinal purposes, while others use it recreationally.

There are pros and cons to using marijuana, but ultimately it is up to the individual to decide whether or not they want to use it.

There are a variety of ways to consume marijuana, so people can choose the method that works best for them.

Overall, marijuana is a popular plant that can be used in many different ways.

Marijuana, to me, is much safer than alcohol.

During my tenure in the medical field of two decades, I have seen cigarettes and alcohol kill more people than marijuana.

The only thing I have witnessed in my life crushed by weed smokers is the food from the killer munchies.

Keep tokin’ everyone.

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