• digicash420@gmail.com
How to fight depression without meds.
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Depression is a complex and frightening subject. However, there are numerous ways to combat depression, and there is still much to learn. If you are unsure how to help yourself at your lowest, it might be worth researching ways to combat depression without using mind-altering drugs or herbs. The key is understanding what you have and how to interact with your emotions to achieve better results. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about how to fight depression without meds.

“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” -Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

What is depression and how to fight it

This is the first installment in a series on how to fight depression without meds or mind-altering drugs or herbs. The first step is to recognize what depression is and why it occurs. 

After that, it is up to us to figure out how to manage our emotions to best interact with the darkness within us and get the most out of it in terms of mental health. 

Although there are numerous approaches to treating depression, the key is understanding how to manage your emotions best to achieve better results. 

It is critical to understand that depression does not occur in your fifties or sixties. It is a common Latter-Day Sixties phenomenon that affects everyone at some point in life.

It does not mean you must always deal with it because that only worsens things. It means you are responsible for managing your emotions and getting the most out of them.

Accountability is a step in the right direction. If you have the propensity to run, your issues will follow, trust me.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Depression is defined by an excessive desire to do or have things for which you lack the energy or motivation to do or for which you have the motivation to do something else. 

Symptoms of depression include feeling jittery or short-tempered with others, sadness or guilt, feeling overwhelmed or overwhelmed by things in life, irritability or impulsiveness, not knowing how to begin or finish something, and a general sense of sadness or frustration.

Other signs include reduced appetite, lack of motivation, and isolation, regardless of gender.

The neglected links in the chain of depression.

When you are depressed, you should be especially concerned about four things:

  • Depressive thoughts or actions
  • Self-medication with depression-inducing medications
  • Depression in others
  • A lack of follow-up for depression

How to treat depression without meds: The molecules and agents that make them happen

The strategies we employ to combat depression is determined by how difficult it is to get through. 

If you are having difficulty getting through difficult times, consider ways to reduce stress. This could include picking a relaxing hobby or finding ways to spend time with your loved ones. 

It is also beneficial to look into ways to get more exercise or attend more mental health awareness events to understand better what is happening in the world around you and how you can best respond to it.

Having outlets to release the tension can aid in depression before it starts to eat you up.

Try incorporating different ways to tackle these formidable emotions by taking a self-defense class or learning a new recipe.

Eating can be therapeutic.

Bottom line

Understanding the signs and symptoms of depression and working on managing your feelings will help you achieve better results. 

Meditation, stretching, and other self-soothing techniques can all help to reduce stress and restore your brain’s sense of normalcy. 

If you are taking any SSRIs, medication can effectively combat depression (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, non-selective serotonin reuptake blocker). 

If you have a provider, you can get detailed information about all of the different medications that can be utilized for depression. 

There is also a helpful article on depression and health at the end of this article about healthy coping techniques. 

The key to successful treatment for overcoming depression is understanding it better and learning how to manage your emotions to achieve better results. 

Depression will not vaporize overnight from a diet change; however, it can ameliorate in time with the proper thoughts and food.

Some food for thought (no pun intended) bananas are unadulterated anti-depressants straight from mother nature.

Therefore, the only way to overcome depression is to confront it when it is already within you, at the core of your being.

Throughout my career as a professional healthcare worker, SSRIs caused more harm than good in many individuals. 

Depending on who you are, it is best to exhaust all other options for well-being improvement before asking about prescribed drugs. 

After all, this article is about mitigating depression naturally and how to fight it without meds.

Food for thought on how to fight depression

There are a few things you can do to gain a better understanding of how to manage your emotions and achieve better results. 

The first step is to look for ways to relax and unwind before facing the day. A walk through the woods or along the beach is a great way to start the day. 

Take some slow and short breaks after a workout or a long flight to clear your mind and unwind. Some people also speak to themselves to calm their racing thoughts. 

Meditation is also an excellent way to understand your emotions better and how they affect you.

Learning to control our breaths is essential. Hypoxia can cause disharmony to the body in more ways than one.


The key to successful depression treatment is understanding how to manage your emotions better and choosing healthier ways to interact with your feelings to achieve better results. 

Emotional maturity will come into play, thus helping to squash depression before it rears its ugly head.

One can accomplish this by focusing on managing your thoughts and feelings so that they do not get in the way of getting things done. 

In addition, eating a healthy diet, practicing self-soothing techniques, and taking medications as directed. Finally, staying committed to your goals and taking care of your health will help you achieve better results. 

This includes diet, exercise, and medication management, so make the best health decisions. With these tips, this is how to fight depression without meds.