• digicash420@gmail.com

With time elapsing rapidly, I will go over fried foods that are bad for you.

Fried foods that are bad for you.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com

Did somebody say fried foods? As a matter of fact, yes and while we are at it, learning about the health dangers of consuming these food(s) is important if you are 40 and up.

You see, we all do not possess the metabolism of a teenager. Those days are looong gone for some.

As a person ages, so does everything else, including the most vital component for fat-burning purposes. Exercise can help curtail the aging process; however, Father Time cannot be ignored.

Furthermore, eating these foods is tantamount to alcohol consumption; it is nothing but empty calories that can increase weight.

Why are fried foods bad?

They are considered harmful because they are high in fat and calories. These foods also tend to be high in sodium, leading to high blood pressure and other health problems.

Additionally, these foods can contain trans fats, which are known to increase the risk of heart disease.

avocado fruits hanging on tree
Photo by Matthias Oben on Pexels.com

Can trans fats lead to health issues?

Trans fats, also known as “trans fatty acids,” are a type of unsaturated fat that can have serious health consequences if consumed in large amounts.

Trans fats are found in processed foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and are often used in fast food and packaged snack foods. They can also be found in some margarine, coffee creamers, and other dairy products.

These types of fats increase the levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol in the blood and decrease the levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. This can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

In addition, trans fats can promote inflammation and contribute to insulin resistance, which is a major factor in the development of type 2 diabetes.

For these reasons, it is important to limit your intake of foods that contain trans fats. If you’re concerned about your trans fat intake, check food labels carefully.

Foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils should be avoided. Instead, opt for foods made with healthy unsaturated fats, such as olive oil or canola oil.

Moreover, using cooking oil such as Avocado or Coconut can yield excellent health benefits. If you cannot tolerate the oils above, extra virgin olive oil will suffice.

If you want the best of the best, in my opinion, it will be Avocado oil for it has the highest smoke point and is loaded with nutrients.


What is the health benefit of cooking with avocado oil?

According to some studies, cooking with avocado oil may have certain health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and improving cholesterol levels.

Additionally, avocado oil is a good source of monounsaturated fats, which are considered beneficial for overall health. While more research is needed to confirm these potential health benefits, cooking with avocado oil is generally considered safe.

How bad are french fries?

Now, you are probably wondering who the fried food bully is and I am here to tell you all about this dangerous yet delicious side.

French fries are one of the most popular junk foods in America. They are also one of the unhealthiest.

A large serving of fries can contain over half a day’s worth of calories and fat, as well as a ton of sodium. Studies have shown that eating french fries can lead to weight gain, increased cholesterol levels, and an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Yes, type 2 diabetes.

The crazy thing about this food is the addiction. Chemicals in today’s food make it harder for consumers to make sensible choices when it comes to food.

It is a crime to order a burger without the fries, I know; however, as we age, this food needs to be treated as a treat on occasion.

My type of fries is cajun fries. What is yours?

Hahaha! I feel like such an enabler talking about this subject. I will not tell you to desist from eating fries. The only thing I am doing is spreading the word.

video by YouTube and author

What are the health risks of too much sodium?

Some health risks associated with consuming too much sodium include high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.

Consuming too much sodium can also lead to fluid retention, which can exacerbate existing conditions such as heart failure or kidney disease. Additionally, eating a diet high in sodium has been linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer.

Therefore, it is important to limit your intake of sodium to reduce your risk of developing these serious health conditions.

Try substituting iodine salt with pink Himalayan salt. This option is a better choice considering iodine is in everything including seafood.

What makes Himalayan salt good for you?

Himalayan salt is a type of rock salt found in the Himalayan Mountains. It is said to be the purest form of salt available and is rich in minerals.

Himalayan salt has been used for centuries in traditional medicines and is believed to have many health benefits.

Some of the purported health benefits of Himalayan salt include:

– improving respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis

– reducing water retention

– aiding in weight loss

– relieving muscle cramps

– regulating blood sugar levels

– improving skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema

– boosting energy levels

– enhancing mood and promoting relaxation.

Fried foods do not have to taste so bland, plus check out the health benefits of switching one thing such as iodine to pink Himalayan salt.

low angle photography of tunnel
Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Pexels.com

Final thoughts about fried foods.

The best part about being an adult is the power to make our own decisions when it comes to what makes the individual content.

Furthermore, the biggest issue that people have is accountability. When things go awry, there has to be a scapegoat or a patsy for our wrongdoing.

When a person learns to take accountability, it changes the outcome whether excellent or bad.

If something goes wrong, it is the doctor’s fault or the informercial from the night before. Discipline is a man’s best friend.

Try substituting French fries with a baked sweet potato. Not only does it taste better, but it has way more nutrients than the white potato.

Finally, do not live to eat but eat to live.

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